Customised Planning

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

A while back I read a blog about a great personal planner that can be customised and I thought it was a really great idea. 

With studying, working and blogging a girl needs some planning in her life and this is the perfect solution. It is an online company called Personal Planners, and in a few easy steps you can select your size, customise and order your planner. 

The front cover/back cover: You can select to upload a picture or using the app PicFrame mix a few together. If you are looking for some inspiration there are standard colours or images you can choose from. I went for a black and white theme with my photos, and one red rose for some colour. For the back I went for some tartan, keeping it patriotic! With red running through it to tie in with the rose on the front cover.

Layout: The inside is organised by you to suit you, perfect! you choose the layout and what fields you need more of. I went for one horizontal dates and at the bottom, one note box on the left and a lined section on the right. Covering all the bases I think!

Size: Another decision, the size. I went for the A5, when it first arrived I thought this was going to be a little small, turns out its perfect for your handbag. All depends on what you are going to use it for, and where your going to carrying it. 

So if like me, you miss the days of school planners and feeling every so slightly unorganised then get yourself a customised planner. I am loving mine.


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