Guest Blogger Andy Bell- Kiehls Facial Fuel‏

Friday, 20 December 2013

Gentlemen, sometimes the most important things are right under our noses. All over our faces in fact, in relation to the topic of this article; yer skin. Being the skin on the face of a modern man, cutting a dash around town in the 21st century has never been more of a tough and thankless task. We put it through many trials on a regular basis, from being beaten by the freezing rain between roasting hot, sweaty bars on a Christmas night out. All this just after having dragged a razor sharp blade all over it, taking off tough hairs as well as a layer of skin or two. Bring on the high strength alcoholic spray for afterwards! This is, on occasion, extremely painful so as males we assume that this must obviously be good for us and pretend to enjoy the sensation. This is not to mention having to endure the occasional high velocity slap as a result of misunderstood, booze fuelled compliments offered to the fairer sex or a covert and ninja-like squeeze at an objectionable spot in an elevator mirror after you’ve been left alone by the last vertically inclined colleague.
While articles in Men’s Health are eager to remind us that using male foundation products is very acceptable, this does not suit every modern day man. For most of us, keeping the skin itself in good nick is the chosen tactic. This being said, until last Sunday I was a certifiable sceptic when it came to male “beauty” products. A stance which was about to be re-thought! I was handed a sample of Kiehls Facial Fuel moisturiser. This is a caffeine enriched, non-oily moisturiser which really does wake up tired skin. The vitamin C in the product is an antioxidant and has skin clarifying benefits. Even after a wet shave this stuff really cooled down my skin while the snappy scent began to blow the cobwebs away. No stingy face either. You don’t have to have shaved to use this stuff either, it’s equally appropriate on a Sunday morning; your skin will feel like it’s drinking in the moisture at the same rate as you were drinking pints the night before. The effect of having used this product carries on with skin left cool and soft for hours after. This is well worth the £29 price tag and should be present in your wash bag, it’s in mine.

Be sure to check out Andy's food blog here for some foodspirtation.


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